Women and religion Contemporary and future challenges in the Global Era
Ruspini, Bonifacio, Corradi, Women and religion Contemporary and future challenges in the Global Era, Bristol: Policy Press, 2018
This edited collection provides interdisciplinary, global, and multi-religious perspectives on the relationship between women’s identities, religion, and social change in the contemporary world. The book discusses the experiences and positions of women, and particular groups of women, to understand patterns of religiosity and religious change. It also addresses the current and future challenges posed by women’s changes to religion in different parts of the world and among different religious traditions and practices.
The contributors address a diverse range of themes and issues including the attitudes of different religions to gender equality; how women construct their identity through religious activity; whether women have opportunity to influence religious doctrine; and the impact of migration on the religious lives of both women and men.
Questa raccolta fornisce prospettive interdisciplinari, globali e multireligiose sulla relazione tra l'identità delle donne, la religione e il cambiamento sociale nel mondo contemporaneo. Questo libro tratta delle esperienze e delle prese di posizione delle donne (e particolari gruppi di donne) per capire i modelli della religiosità e del cambiamento religioso. Affronta anche le sfide odierne e future poste dai mutamenti delle religioni messi in atto dalle donne nelle diverse parti del mondo nel contesto di differenti pratiche e tradizioni religiose. Gli autori affrontano una vasta gamma di temi e problemi tra i quali l'atteggiamento delle diverse religioni verso la parità di genere; come le donne costruiscono la propria identità attraverso l'attività religiosa; se le donne hanno o meno l'opportunità di influenzare la dottrina religiosa; l'impatto dei fenomeni migratori sulle vite religiose sia degli uomini che delle donne.
Lingua: Inglese
Editors’ Introduction ~ Elisabetta Ruspini, Glenda Tibe Bonifacio, Consuelo Corradi;
Part I: Women, Gender Equality and Religion between Past and Present;
Gender Equality in Different Readings of Islam in Post-Revolutionary Iran ~ Marziyeh Bakhshizadeh;
Religion and Gender Equality in the Philippines: Discourses and Practices in the 21st Century ~ Glenda Tibe Bonifacio;
A Slow March Forward: The Impact of Religious Change on Gender Ideology in the United States ~ Joshua D. Tuttle and Shannon N. Davis;
Divine Shadows: Indian Devadasis between Religious Beliefs and Sexual Exploitation ~ Manu Sharma;
Part II: Identities, Women’s Movements and Religion;
Formation of ‘Religious’ Identity among British Muslim Women ~ Masoumeh Velayati;
Christian Women’s Movements in Secularising and Diversifying Contexts: A Case Study from Belgium ~ Nella van den Brandt;
Muslim Women in Contemporary Argentina ~ Mari-Sol García Somoza and Mayra Soledad Valcarcel;
The Impact of Religious Unorthodoxy on Family Choices and Women’s Wellbeing in Turkey ~ F. Kemal Kizilca;
Part III: Contemporary Women’s Religious Experiences;
Between Me and My God. A Life Story Narrative of Conciliating Cultural Discourses and Personalization of Islam ~ Ladan Rahbari and Chia Longman;
We are all Goddesses: Female Sacred Paths in Italy ~ Roberta Pibiri and Stefania Palmisano;
Explorations of Spiritual Embodiment in Belly Dance ~ Angela M. Moe;
From Exclusion to Inclusion. Women and Interfaith Dialogue in the Mediterranean Area ~ Francesco Antonelli and Elisabetta Ruspini.