Educazione religiosa

Contenuti correlati a "Educazione religiosa"

Tra etica e cura della terra – giornata della cura

Sabato 29 giugno – Tra etica e cura della terra

Giornata della cura organizzata dall'Unione Induisti Italiani presso l'ashram di Altare, Savona.
La cura si pone come fil rouge in grado di unire ambiti apparentemente molto distanti tra loro, ma in verità compenetrati e complementari gli uni agli altri, quali l’antica disciplina dello yoga, le scienze mediche, l’osservazione e la protezione dell’ambiente e della natura nel suo complesso.


“Noi rispecchiamo il mondo. Se potessimo cambiare noi stessi, cambierebbero anche le tendenze nel mondo.”

Mahatma Gandhi, World Tomorrow, 1926

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Data: 28 Giugno 2019

Un cristianesimo senza Gesù


La deriva dei simboli religiosi utilizzati a fini politici

Dovremmo sentirci tutti in buone mani dopo che sabato scorso a Milano la destra sovranista europea ha affidato il continente alla protezione dei suoi sei santi patroni – in quanto protestante spero mi esimerete dal ricordarli tutti – e l’Italia addirittura al cuore immacolato di Maria.

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Data: 04 Giugno 2019

Newsletter #6 ReIRes

ReIRes - Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies è un'associazione composta da dodici istituzioni europee che collaborano alla realizzazione di un'infrastruttura altamente qualificata riguardante gli studi della religione.

                                                                        È online la newsletter#6 ReIRes


Three core elements constitute ReIReS identity:

Vision: Religion is the burning issue in Europe. Peaceful living together in a multireligious society is increasingly coming under pressure and we urgently need to deal with this. Knowledge of religious traditions helps us to reduce dangers and to create a mutual understanding in present day Europe.

Mission: ReIReS is a starting community of twelve European institutions that are building a unique and highly qualified infrastructure on religious studies. ReIReS brings knowledge into the field of religious pluralism in Europe, thus contributing to a stable society. It explains and implements the idea of “Knowledge Creates Understanding”.


  • Innovation: New data, new tools and a new generation of scholars.
  • Respect: Towards various religions, towards the past.
  • Enrichment: Research, digital access, international collaboration.
Data: 19 Ottobre 2018

Newsletter #5 ReIRes

ReIRes - Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies è un'associazione composta da dodici istituzioni europee che collaborano alla realizzazione di un'infrastruttura altamente qualificata riguardante gli studi della religione.

                                                                        È online la newsletter#5 ReIRes


Three core elements constitute ReIReS identity:

Vision: Religion is the burning issue in Europe. Peaceful living together in a multireligious society is increasingly coming under pressure and we urgently need to deal with this. Knowledge of religious traditions helps us to reduce dangers and to create a mutual understanding in present day Europe.

Mission: ReIReS is a starting community of twelve European institutions that are building a unique and highly qualified infrastructure on religious studies. ReIReS brings knowledge into the field of religious pluralism in Europe, thus contributing to a stable society. It explains and implements the idea of “Knowledge Creates Understanding”.


  • Innovation: New data, new tools and a new generation of scholars.
  • Respect: Towards various religions, towards the past.
  • Enrichment: Research, digital access, international collaboration.
Data: 11 Ottobre 2018

Corsi online - Harvard University "World Religions Through Their Scriptures"

Sono online i corsi sulla storia delle religioni curati dall'Università di Harvard.

i corsi sono in lingua inglese

 World Religions Through Their Scriptures:

  • Religious Literacy: Traditions and Scriptures
    • Tools for how to interpret the roles religions play in contemporary and historic contexts;
    • How religions are internally diverse
    • How religions evolve and change
    • How religions are embedded in all human cultures
    • The strengths and limitations of learning about religions through their scriptures.
  • Christianity
    • What are the contents, languages, and forms of Bibles in various times and places?
    • How have Christians lived out their stories and teachings?
    • How does Christian history reflect the contested and varied uses of scriptur--in the ancient Roman world where Christianity began, in its spread through European and American colonialism, in the diverse forms it takes in varied locations around the globe?
  • Buddhism
    • Religious/philosophical insights conveyed in Buddhist texts
    • How scriptures are interpreted to diverse ends in different historical contexts
    • Sensitive appreciation of world religions
  • Islam
    • An introduction to the place of the Quran in Muslim cultures
    • Major themes of the Quran
    • The historical and cultural contexts of the Quran
    • Interpretive skills that enable a more nuanced reading of the Quran
    • Diverse approaches Muslims have adopted to engaging with Quranic texts, including issues in contemporary interpretation
  • Hinduism
    • Religious and philosophical insights conveyed in Hindu texts
    • How scriptures are interpreted to diverse ends in different historical contexts
    • Sensitive appreciation of world religions
  • Judaism
    • The diversity of Jews and Judaism
    • Key facts about the primary texts of the Jewish canon
    • The role that scripture has played and continues to play in the lives of Jews
    • Why the sacred texts of Judaism continue to matter in the 21st century​​​​​​​
  • Sikhism
    • Exploration of a foundational Sikh text, the Japji, which was composed by Guru Nanak and is recited by Sikhs as part of their morning prayers
    • The place of Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh scripture, in Sikh life
    • Interpretative skills to engage in a nuanced reading of Guru Granth Sahib
    • Gurmat Sangit, the Sikh musical tradition, as represented in the Sikh scripture and its cultural context
    • The aesthetics of Sikhi, including literature, art, and music
    • The political dimensions of Sikh scripture and its impact on the evolution of Sikhs as a Panth or community 


Data: 25 Settembre 2018

Corso online "Religion and Conflict"

Religion and Conflict

Understand and analyse the role of religion in conflicts and peacebuilding in present-day societies, with this free online course.

  • DURATION: 6 weeks (from 8th october 2018)
  • WEEKLY STUDY: 4 hours
  • LEARN: Free
  • UPGRADE: €39

Many conflicts in the world today are framed in terms of religion, but there is much discussion and confusion concerning the precise role religion plays in these conflicts. According to some, conflict and violence are inherent to religion. Others claim that religion is only the guise under which social, economic or political conflicts are fought out. The first step to solving religiously framed conflicts is understanding the role of religion in them, and that is what this free online course is about.

Our point of departure is that religion means different things in different circumstances and to different (groups of) people. Therefore, the aim of this course is to show how a religiously framed conflict can be studied in the wider cultural and political contexts of these conflicts. In the course material, we will refer to various religious, cultural and political settings. In addition, we invite you to engage in some modest research activities in your own environment and compare your own findings with those of fellow students.

In the first two weeks, we will discuss how the concepts of religion, conflict and violence have been understood historically and cross-culturally, and address the question of how they are linked. This will enable you to move beyond thinking about religion as either an unavoidable cause for conflicts or merely an excuse to mask more mundane conflicts of interest.

The third week focuses on the question of why religious conflicts have appeared to increase in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. During the fourth week, we will analyze case studies like conflicts over abortion policies in the United States and the rise of IS in the Middle East. In week five, we will shift our attention to the role of religion in peace building and reconciliation.

The course concludes with an assignment in which you will apply your newly acquired analytical tools to write a briefing paper on the role of religion in a specific conflict situation of your own choice.

After completing this course, you will have acquired the knowledge and analytical skills to develop critical insights into one of the most urgent issues of today’s world: the various roles of religion in conflicts.

What topics will you cover?

  • Definitions and history of religion and conflict.
  • Links between religion and conflict.
  • Failure of nation states, the Cold War and globalisation.
  • Cases on religion and conflict.
  • Religion and peacebuilding.

Il corso è in lingua inglese

Per ulteriori informazioni visita il sito


Data: 25 Settembre 2018

Master "Il Dialogo con l'Altro. Educare alla diversità religiosa"

È online il programma dell'anno accademico 2018/2019 del master in Dialogo interreligioso presso l'Istituto di Studi Ecumenici S. Bernardino di Venezia.


L'edizione di quest'anno si propone di offrire una preparazione di base nel campo del dialogo interreligioso. 

A partire dall’acquisizione di una conoscenza specifica degli strumenti, delle fonti e degli studi sulle religioni nel loro sviluppo storico, viene sviluppata una riflessione teologica e vengono analizzate le dinamiche del dialogo interreligioso e interculturale.

Per l’anno accademico 2018-2019 sarà affrontato il tema specifico Il  Dialogo con l'Altro. Educare alla diversità religiosa, come elemento centrale per  una sempre migliore comprensione delle dinamiche e dei contenuti del dialogo interreligioso nella società contemporanea.

Il Master prevede anche l’attivazione di laboratori specifici per la didattica delle religioni nella prospettiva di società multireligiosa, alla luce del nuovo panorama religioso in Italia.


Visita il sito del master

Data: 18 Settembre 2018

Corso online "Introduction to World Religions" - Oxford University

L'università di Oxford attiverà il corso online  "Introduction to world religion"

da mercoledì 26 settembre 2018 
a venerdì 7 dicembre 2018

Il corso è in lingua inglese

Visita il sito del corso


What do we mean by world religions' and why might this phrase be controversial? How should we approach the study of the spiritual paths, key beliefs and practices of the main religious traditions? This course will give you the tools to study world religions in a balanced and sensitive way.

Introduction to World Religions provides an overview of the key religions of the world and the way they have come to be studied and understood today. The course is designed to give you the tools to embark on a study of world religions through contemporary cases studies. It challenges you to look at both the insider'and outsider'perspectives and why even the title world religions'might be controversial. It looks at the way religions adapt and change from their historical roots into the dynamic and fascinating forms we see today and how they interact with each other and the modern, secular world. It takes into account the views of leading academics and practitioners in the field who themselves had attempted to provide an overview that helps to make sense of diverse sets of beliefs and practices moulding the lives of millions of people in the world.

Programme details

The areas you will cover in this course are:

  1. What is a world religion?
  2. Contemporary approaches to the study of religion
  3. The Abrahamic traditions
  4. The Asian traditions
  5. Precept and practice
  6. Spiritual paths
  7. Key figures and organisations
  8. How religions adapt and change
  9. Conflict and cooperation between religions
  10. World religions in a secular world

EU Fee: £270.00
Non-EU Fee: £295.00

Data: 13 Settembre 2018